ImgCraft: AI Sharp & Resize Privacy Policy


Welcome to the privacy policy for ImgCraft: AI Sharp & Resize (the "App"). This document outlines how we collect, use, and protect the information gathered through the use of our App.

Information We Collect

Shopify Store Information

To provide our services, we may collect information related to the Shopify store, including but not limited to store name, store URL, store settings, and package images.

Customer Information

We do not collect any customer data, including customer names, contact information, or order details. Our App is designed to respect user privacy, and we do not store or process any personal information related to customers.

Usage Data

We may collect usage data, including interactions with the App and the Shopify store, to improve and optimize our services.

How We Use Information

We process package images on a store-by-store basis. We retrieve the URLs of package images from each store, optimize them, and replace the old images with the optimized ones. Beyond this process, we do not utilize any other data collected.

Data Security

We take appropriate measures to secure the data collected through our App. This includes encryption, access controls, and regular security audits.

Third-Party Services

We utilize third-party AI services, and these services commit to deleting each photo after 1 hour. Additionally, all photos we transmit are public package photos.

User Rights

Users have the right to access, correct, or delete their personal information. If you have any requests or questions regarding your data, please contact us at

Updates to Privacy Policy

We may update our privacy policy to reflect changes in our practices. Users will be notified of any significant changes.

Contact Us

If you have any questions or concerns about our privacy practices, please contact us at

Last Updated: [2024-03-17]

Last updated