Quick Start Guide for Bulk Image Butler - Online Mode


We're thrilled you've installed Bulk Image Butler. Here's a quick guide to help you get started!

We have video tutorials available here: https://youtu.be/iaECYmlJsoQ


Bulk Image Butler has two modes. Let's start with the simple Online Mode, which allows you to manage images directly on the product list page.

Let's get started!

Adding Images

  1. Go to Bulk Image Butler > Product Images.

  2. Find a product to add images to. For this example, we'll use Straw Large Capacity Bag.

We support two ways to add new images: Drag and Drop and Click to Add. Choose one method:

a. Drag and Drop

  • Select the images you want to upload, then drag them to the blue window and release the mouse. The images will be added to the page.

b. Click to Add

  • Click the Add Image icon. A file manager window will pop up. Select the images you want to upload. You can select multiple images at once.

Editing AltText, VAR, and Position

  1. Edit AltText and VAR

    • Click ALT or VAR below the image to open the edit window.

    • Enter your content and click Confirm. If there's content, ALT and VAR will turn green.

  2. Change Image Position

    • To swap the positions of the first and second images, click and drag the first image to the second image's position.

Deleting Images

  • To delete an image, click the delete icon in the top-right corner of the image. The image will be deleted.

Submitting Changes

  • Click the Submit button. A confirmation box will appear. You can keep the default values and click Confirm.

If everything is correct, your changes will be successfully submitted. Choose Keep Me Here to stay on the product list page.

You'll see that 4 new images have been successfully added to the product.


Thank you for reading. Feel free to explore other documents. If you have any questions, please contact us.

Last updated