Excel Column Descriptions

Welcome! We're excited you've installed Bulk Image Butler.

Here's a simple, non-technical explanation of each field in the Excel file to help you get started quickly.

Excel Titles

When you open the exported Excel file, you'll see these columns. Here’s what each one means:


Product Title

The product's title, indicating which product this data belongs to. Do not modify this column.

Image Url

The current image URL for display purposes. Do not modify this column.

Image AltText

The image's AltText. Edit this to update the alt text in your store.

Image Position

The image's position. Edit this to reorder images. Leave blank for new images to be placed last.


The variants the image belongs to. Separate multiple variants with commas. Each variant can have one image.


The action to perform: A (Add), D (Delete), U (Update). This is the most important column.

New Image Path

The path to the new image. Supports URLs or relative paths for images in a zip file.

Product ID

The product's ID. Do not modify this column. Ensure it's correct when adding new images.

Image ID

The image's ID. Do not modify this column. Used for deleting or updating images.

Last updated