How to fix "The file name is invalid: File names cannot contain .., ./, or .\."

This error occurs when the name of the Excel file or compressed file (e.g., zip) you're uploading contains invalid characters like "..", "./", or ".\".

To resolve this issue:

  1. Check Your File Name: Look at the name of the file you're trying to upload. Make sure it does not contain any of the following characters:

    • Two consecutive dots (..)

    • The string ./

    • The string .\\

  2. Rename the File: If your file name contains any of these invalid characters, rename the file on your computer:

    • Right-click the file and select "Rename."

    • Remove or replace any of the invalid characters listed above.

    • Ensure the new file name is simple and contains only letters, numbers, hyphens (-), or underscores (_).

  3. Upload the File Again: After renaming the file, try uploading it again.

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